New Mexico Sleep Labs

Our Team

Our Team

At all of our Sleep Centers, we gathered a team that are expertise in sleep behaviors and disorders. Read more to find out about our trustworthy team.

Gonzalo Dias

Gonzalo Dias


Gonzalo Diaz


Dr. Diaz received his training in sleep disorders medicine at the prestigious Montefiore Hospital at Albert Einstein School of Medicine in New York. He is trained in pulmonary medicine and has subspecialty certification in sleep disorders and pulmonary medicine. He served as Medical Director at Sierra Medical Center, Del Sol Medical Center, Providence Memorial Hospital and is currently Medical Director at El Paso Sleep Center.

Dr. Diaz is an AASM and ABIM-Certified Sleep Specialist and Associate Professor at Texas Tech University Health Science Center Paul L. Foster School of Medicine from the Department of Internal Medicine. He has a private practice focused on pulmonary medicine and sleep medicine and has taught fellows, medical students, resident physicians, respiratory/sleep technicians and students since 1985. He has published articles and is currently involved in clinical research in sleep disorders. His areas of special interest are obstructive sleep apnea, insomnia in adults and sleep disorders in children.

Joseph Arteaga

Joseph Arteaga


Joseph Arteaga


Joseph graduated from the Stanford School of Sleep Medicine in 1985. He was one of the first 300 technologists in the United States to become a Registered Polysomnographic Technologist (R.Psg.T.). Joseph obtained his Registered Sleep Technologist (RST) credential 2011. In 2014, he acquired the Certified Clinical Sleep Educator (CSE) designation.

Arteaga is a member in good standing of the America Association of Sleep Technologist (AAST) since the 1986. Together with Dr. Gonzalo Diaz, M.D. they started the first Sleep Disorders Center in the El Paso area.

Joseph has been in the field of sleep medicine for over 30 years.  Prior, he gained expertise as a respiratory therapist, pulmonary technologist, EEG technologist and hyperbaric technologist as part of medical teams at several El Paso area hospitals.

Facility Member


Since 1977, the American Academy of Sleep Medicine (AASM) Standards for Accreditation have been the gold standard by which the medical community and the public evaluate sleep medicine facilities. Achieving AASM accreditation demonstrates a sleep medicine provider’s commitment to high quality, patient-centered care through adherence to these standards.